• Location


  • Category


  • Surface offices

    22.000 m²

  • Status

    For sale

Global Estate Group is developing O-Forty along the E40 motorway near the Oostkamp exit. This ultramodern Business & Meeting Centre provides office space for over 800 employees of companies focused on research & development. Thanks to its excellent location, ample parking space, and extensive facilities, O-Forty is the ideal work and meeting place for innovative companies looking for a stylish base of operations.

The first 5 blocks of this state-of-the-art office complex have now been occupied by prestigious companies such as Deloitte, Daikin and Voka. The 3 additional blocks, accounting for another 7,500 m², are well underway and will be finished by the end of 2024. The offices of phase 2 are now offered for sale and lease, starting from 200 m². Interested? Contact Heleen at sales@globalestategroup.eu or 0472 22 13 63.

Architectuur 10 LR
Architectuur 5 LR
Architectuur 1 LR
Meeting Center 6
Coworking 4
Meeting Center 2

Interested in

Contact us 

📞 050 46 10 10
📧 sales@globalestategroup.eu

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