• Location

    Moen (Zwevegem)

  • Category


  • Status

    For sale

  • Number of units


  • Surface area

    From 190 m²

Global Estate Group is redeveloping the former site of the steel company Bekaert into a new business estate in Moen (Zwevegem). This is the second former Bekaert site to be repurposed by the Global Estate Group after Aalter.

In 2019, the Moen branch closed after a reorganisation. Since then, the site has stood vacant and underused. With a surface area of 8 ha, it has a lot of potential for creating a mix of activities. A brand-new SME estate will be created on part of the site to create space for local freelancers and entrepreneurs.

Geg Zwevegem 22
Geg Zwevegem 3
Geg Zwevegem 18
Geg Zwevegem 20

Interested in
Moenkouter SME-Park

Contact us 

📞 050 46 10 10
📧 sales@globalestategroup.eu

or fill in the contact form.


Aalter verwelkomt nieuw kmo-park met ruimte voor 21 lokale handelaars

Een oude, verlaten site aan de Venecolaan in Aalter krijgt binnenkort een nieuwe bestemming als kmo-park. Verdeeld over drie bedrijfsgebouwen gaat projectontwikkelaar Global Estate Group hier 21…

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