• Location


  • Category


  • Status

    For sale | for rent

  • Number of units


  • Surface area

    From 168 m²

Global Estate Group is launching its first project across the border in Cappelle-La-Grande, near Dunkirk. The project, named Cap d'Artisans, includes the development of 22 SME units with floor areas ranging from 168 m² to 1102 m². The units are offered both for sale and for rent.

The new SME estate meets the growing demand for business space for smaller, local entrepreneurs. About 20 artisanal businesses and small-scale industries will soon be able to establish their warehouse or workshop in the existing industrial zone.

  • Completed as shells
  • Clearance height: 5.5 m
  • Motorised sectional door measuring 4x4.2 m (wxh)
  • Construction is a combination of concrete panels and metal sandwich façade panels
  • Skylight with integrated RWA system
25 10 23 14
25 10 23 9
25 10 23 8
25 10 23 5
Cam 1 V002 DEF
Cam 2 V003 DEF
Cam 4 V003 DEF

Interested in
Cap D'Artisans SME-Park

Contact us 

📞 050 46 10 10
📧 sales@globalestategroup.eu

or fill in the contact form.


Aalter verwelkomt nieuw kmo-park met ruimte voor 21 lokale handelaars

Een oude, verlaten site aan de Venecolaan in Aalter krijgt binnenkort een nieuwe bestemming als kmo-park. Verdeeld over drie bedrijfsgebouwen gaat projectontwikkelaar Global Estate Group hier 21…

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